
publications in reverse chronological order, astrophysics articles are selected (high impact and student papers)

“*” denotes student authors


  1. shadipapertable.png
    Beyond the Lens: Quantifying the Impact of Scientific Documentaries through Amazon Reviews
    Jill Naiman ,  *Aria Pessianzadeh ,  *Hanyu Zhao , and 8 more authors
    WebSci25, Feb 2025


  1. Transforming Science Narratives? The Impact of Explanatory Labels of 3D Data Visualization on Public Understanding of Space Science
    Eric Allen Jensen ,  *Kalina Borkiewicz ,  Jeff Carpenter , and 2 more authors
    International Journal of Science Education, Oct 2024
  2. Picture Perfect Science Communication: How Public Audiences Respond to Informational Labels in Cinematic-Style 3D Data Visualization
    Eric Allen Jensen ,  *Kalina Borkiewicz ,  Jill P. Naiman , and 2 more authors
    PLOS ONE, Oct 2024
  3. Audience Reach of Scientific Data Visualizations in Planetarium-Screened Films
    *Kalina Borkiewicz , Eric Jensen ,  *Yiwen Miao , and 4 more authors
    Oct 2024
  4. pathfinder: A Semantic Framework for Literature Review and Knowledge Discovery in Astronomy
    Kartheik G. Iyer , Mikaeel Yunus , Charles O’Neill , and 27 more authors
    Aug 2024
  5. Overcoming OCR Inaccuracies in Historic Newspaper Directories: Improving Digital Archaeology and Digital Humanities Data Pipelines
    *Daniel John Evans ,  Jill P. Naiman , and  J. Stephen Downie
    In Reinvention & Responsibility: Digital Humanties Conference , Jun 2024
  6. badboxes.png
    Generalizability in Document Layout Analysis for Scientific Article Figure & Caption Extraction (Submission as part of a larger, collaborative chapter)
    J. P. Naiman
    Jan 2024


  1. Introducing yt 4.0: Analysis and Visualization of Volumetric Data
    Matthew Turk , Nathan J Goldbaum , John A ZuHone , and 8 more authors
    Jan 2023
  2. arxiv2309.06126_f1.png
    AstroLLaMA: Towards Specialized Foundation Models in Astronomy
    Tuan Dung Nguyen , Yuan-Sen Ting , Ioana Ciucă , and 21 more authors
    In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Information Extraction from Scientific Publications , Nov 2023
  3. ocr_paper1.png
    Large Synthetic Data from the arχiv for OCR Post Correction of Historic Scientific Articles
    J. P. Naiman , *M. G. Cosillo , Peter KG Williams , and 1 more author
    In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries , Nov 2023
  4. iou_paper1_v2.png
    The Digitization of Historical Astrophysical Literature with Highly-Localized Figures and Figure Captions
    J. P. Naiman , Peter K. G. Williams , and Alyssa Goodman
    International Journal on Digital Libraries, Feb 2023
  5. A Journey to the Center of the Milky Way: Stellar Orbits around Its Central Black Hole
    *K. M. Borkiewicz , Stuart Levy , Jeff Carpenter , and 9 more authors
    In The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis , Nov 2023
  6. earth_to_scale.png
    Evidence-Based Methods of Communicating Science to the Public through Data Visualization
    Eric A Jensen , *Kalina Borkiewicz ,  J. P. Naiman , and 2 more authors
    Sustainability, Nov 2023


  1. mega_yolo_v3.png
    Figure and Figure Caption Extraction for Mixed Raster and Vector PDFs: Digitization of Astronomical Literature with OCR Features
    J. P. Naiman , Peter KG Williams , and Alyssa Goodman
    In Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, Padua, Italy, September 20–23, 2022, Proceedings , Nov 2022
  2. new_fronteer_1.jpeg
    A new frontier in science communication? What we know about how public audiences respond to cinematic scientific visualization
    Eric A Jensen , *Kalina Maria Borkiewicz , and  J. P. Naiman
    Frontiers in Communication, Nov 2022
  3. introducing_csv_1.png
    Introducing cinematic scientific visualization: a new frontier in science communication
    *K. Borkiewicz , Eric Jensen , Stuart Levy , and 1 more author
    Impact of Social Sciences Blog, Nov 2022
  4. Evidence-based science communication: through cinematic scientific visualization
    Eric A Jensen , *Kalina M Borkiewicz ,  J. P. Naiman , and 1 more author
    In ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Courses , Nov 2022


  1. cloudfinder_1.png
    CloudFindr: A Deep Learning Cloud Artifact Masker for Satellite DEM Data
    *K. Borkiewicz , *V. Shah ,  J. P. Naiman , and 3 more authors
    In 2021 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS) , Nov 2021


  1. Winds in Star Clusters Drive Kolmogorov Turbulence
    *M. Gallegos-Garcia , Blakesley Burkhart , Anna L. Rosen , and 2 more authors
    ApJL, Aug 2020
  2. cats_1.png
    The Catalogue for Astrophysical Turbulence Simulations (CATS)
    B. Burkhart , S. M. Appel , S. Bialy , and 18 more authors
    ApJ, Dec 2020
  3. Modelling gas evacuation mechanisms in present-day globular clusters: stellar winds from evolved stars and pulsar heating
    J. P. Naiman ,  *M. Soares-Furtado , and E. Ramirez-Ruiz
    MNRAS, Feb 2020
  4. The Effects of Metallicity and Abundance Pattern of the ISM on Supernova Feedback
    *P. I. Karpov , Davide Martizzi , Phillip Macias , and 3 more authors
    ApJ, Jun 2020
  5. aleo_fig14_2.png
    Clustering-informed cinematic astrophysical data visualization with application to the Moon-forming terrestrial synestia
    *P. D. Aleo , S. J. Lock , D. J. Cox , and 5 more authors
    Astronomy and Computing, Oct 2020
  6. The Reading Time Machine: Transforming Astrophysical Literature into Actionable Data
    J. P. Naiman
    Jan 2020


  1. The evolution of the mass-metallicity relation and its scatter in IllustrisTNG
    Paul Torrey , Mark Vogelsberger , Federico Marinacci , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Apr 2019
  2. Baryons in the Cosmic Web of IllustrisTNG - I: gas in knots, filaments, sheets, and voids
    Davide Martizzi , Mark Vogelsberger , Maria Celeste Artale , and 9 more authors
    MNRAS, Jul 2019
  3. ytini_4.png
    Cinematic Visualization of Multiresolution Data: Ytini for Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Houdini
    *K. Borkiewicz ,  J. P. Naiman , and  *H. Lai
    AJ, Jul 2019


  1. Simulating galaxy formation with the IllustrisTNG model
    Annalisa Pillepich , Volker Springel , Dylan Nelson , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Jan 2018
  2. First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: matter and galaxy clustering
    Volker Springel , Rüdiger Pakmor , Annalisa Pillepich , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Mar 2018
  3. First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: the stellar mass content of groups and clusters of galaxies
    Annalisa Pillepich , Dylan Nelson , Lars Hernquist , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Mar 2018
  4. First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: the galaxy colour bimodality
    Dylan Nelson , Annalisa Pillepich , Volker Springel , and 9 more authors
    MNRAS, Mar 2018
  5. First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: radio haloes and magnetic fields
    Federico Marinacci , Mark Vogelsberger , Rüdiger Pakmor , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Nov 2018
  6. First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: a tale of two elements - chemical evolution of magnesium and europium
    J. P. Naiman , Annalisa Pillepich , Volker Springel , and 9 more authors
    MNRAS, Jun 2018
  7. The size evolution of star-forming and quenched galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation
    Shy Genel , Dylan Nelson , Annalisa Pillepich , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Mar 2018
  8. Supermassive black holes and their feedback effects in the IllustrisTNG simulation
    Rainer Weinberger , Volker Springel , Rüdiger Pakmor , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Sep 2018
  9. The uniformity and time-invariance of the intra-cluster metal distribution in galaxy clusters from the IllustrisTNG simulations
    Mark Vogelsberger , Federico Marinacci , Paul Torrey , and 8 more authors
    MNRAS, Feb 2018
  10. Stellar wind retention and expulsion in massive star clusters
    J. P. Naiman , E. Ramirez-Ruiz , and D. N. C. Lin
    MNRAS, Aug 2018
  11. Star Formation in Merging Galaxies Using FIRE
    *A. Perez , Chao-Ling Hung ,  J. P. Naiman , and 2 more authors
    In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 , Jan 2018


  1. houdini_1.png
    Houdini for Astrophysical Visualization
    J. P. Naiman ,  *K. Borkiewicz , and  *A. J. Christensen
    PASP, May 2017
  2. Star Clusters within FIRE
    *A. Perez , Jorge Moreno ,  J. P. Naiman , and 2 more authors
    In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #229 , Jan 2017


  1. astroblend_1.png
    AstroBlend: An astrophysical visualization package for Blender
    J. P. Naiman
    Astronomy and Computing, Apr 2016


  1. Modeling Gas Evacuation Mechanisms in Globular Clusters
    *M. Soares-Furtado ,  J. P. Naiman , and E. Ramirez-Ruiz
    In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223 , Jan 2014
  2. Gas retention and accumulation in stellar clusters and galaxies: Implications for star formation and black hole accretion
    Jill Naiman
    Jan 2014


  1. Feeding Stars to Supermassive Black Holes through Winds, Collisions & Tidal Disruptions
    M. Macleod , J. Guillochon , S. Grady , and 2 more authors
    In Snowmass on the Pacific , Mar 2013


  1. The Dynamics, Appearance, and Demographics of Relativistic Jets Triggered by Tidal Disruption of Stars in Quiescent Supermassive Black Holes
    Fabio De Colle , James Guillochon , Jill P. Naiman , and 1 more author
    ApJ, Dec 2012


  1. External Mass Accumulation onto Core Potentials: Implications for Star Clusters, Galaxies, and Galaxy Clusters
    J. P. Naiman , E. Ramirez-Ruiz , and D. N. C. Lin
    ApJ, Jul 2011


  1. Measuring Distance and Properties of the Milky Way’s Central Supermassive Black Hole with Stellar Orbits
    A. M. Ghez , S. Salim , N. N. Weinberg , and 10 more authors
    ApJ, Dec 2008