Computation and Data Visualization Courses

multi-week courses on introductory computational science and data visualization

Computation-heavy science can be a little intimidating to learn in the beginning, but fun data visualizations make the process more fun!

Banneker and Aztlán Institutes

In two weeks of classes students got an introduction to computational astrophysics and data visualization.

An example visualization from a calculation students performed is shown on the right.

Full course material including codes, slides, and teaching tools can be found on the course website from the 2016 class and the 2017 class. An overview of the visualization portion can be found on the AstroBlend blog.

Computational Science and Data Visualization at Hartnell

On the right are some photos of presentations from undergraduates at Hartnell College in Salinas, California.

These students were tasked with identifying a computational problem they wanted to explore (for example, the motion of a rocket), diagram a flowchart of the code they would use to solve this problem numerically, write the code, and then present their results in front of the class visually using Arduinos and LED strands... all in the span of two days! And they all did amazing!

Lesson plans, code, materials lists and teaching tools available upon request.

LAMAT Python Bootcamp

I taught a Python programming bootcamp through the LAMAT program at University of California, Santa Cruz in which the students learned how to program with hands on methods like Raspberry Pis and more traditional methods.

On the right is an example visualization from a group of students along with a poster describing phenomena they observed through their visualization.

Lesson plans, code and teaching tools available upon request.